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অফিস সম্পর্কিত

District Registrar's Office, Kacharipara, Satkhira. Next to the District Food Control Office. Established in 197. Telephone No. 63213. The head of the office of the district registrar is the district registrar. The activities of this office are as follows: (a) Supervising the activities of the sub-registrars under the district and giving necessary directions (b) Recruitment / transfer / posting and disciplinary action of 3rd and 4th class employees under the district To inspect the offices of the people and to audit the accounts; (d) to make arrangements for the issuance, renewal and revocation of applicable documents of the people in the sub-registry offices; (F) to hear appeals and decisions on the registration of documents rejected by the Sub-Registrar (g) to supervise the activities of the marriage registrars and to perform their indentures; And (h) to employ copyists in accordance with the Registration Manual. The sub-registrar offices under this office are Satkhira Sadar, Kalaroa, Islamkati, Kaliganj, Asashuni, Shyamnagar and Sakhipur. Registration of all types of documents is done in accordance with the law / rules in the office of the Sub-Registrar. The following services are provided from this office: (a) providing information regarding document registration or troubleshooting; (B) to solve the problem of copying documents or collecting information at the district headquarters or upazila level; (c) to investigate allegations of irregularities / corruption of officials / employees at the district headquarters or upazila level; (D) Investigation of allegations of irregularities / corruption in the District Registrar of Marriages (Qazi); And (e) investigation of allegations of irregularities / corruption in the sub-registry office. Any service candidate can apply directly to the District Registrar in the above matters. In case of application, the requested service is provided within the stipulated time on the above subject.